Sourdough with Zoey5

Zoey5 came to me from some friends (Andrew and Karissa who we run, climb, and backpack with) who had taken a sourdough bread class and had extra starter. Theirs was named Zoey3, but they said Zoey4 was already taken by someone else. So my portion of the starter became Zoey5. Zoey5 normally lives in the fridge now, but I take her out a few days a week when it’s time to bake bread.

So far Zoey has become: pizza dough, noodles, sourdough bread, and tomato bread.


Zoey5 makes great tasting pizza crust. Here is the recipe that I use:

200 gstarter
200 gbread flour
87 gwater
4 gsugar
9 gsalt
9 golive oil

Mix all ingredients, knead for 20-30 min, add flour as needed, keep in the fridge until needed.

Preheat the oven with the pizza stone on the second rack to the top at 500. Make the pizza on the pizza peel. Turn the broiler on and slide the pizza in.

For crispier crust, bake for 5-8 min before turning on the broiler.

This is the best tomato sauce for pizza. Use as is straight out of the can!


Zoey5 makes surprisingly good noodles! They take two days- make the dough the first day, put in the fridge, and then put the dough in the extruder on the second day. They taste more flavorful than regular noodles. We ate them with spaghetti sauce, but I think they would be good plain or with just butter.


So far I have yet to make a loaf the same way twice. This does not take into account the state of the starter (which I’m sure is different each time, but I don’t know how to categorize).

275 gstarter
1000 gbread flour
700 gwater
20 gsalt

Mix all ingredients, let sit for at least an hour on the countertop, then leave in fridge for at least 12 hours.

Divide into two loaves and make balls. Let rise and do up to 3 stretch and folds over a few hours.

Bake in a preheated dutch oven at 450 for 25 min covered and 8-10 min uncovered or until golden.

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